JG-House — Earth's Defenders

Tagged: climate change

Rain Down on Guet N'Dar 0

Ch. 4: Guet N’Dar

It was already too hot. Moving south across N’Dar Island, Lomax stopped, removed his cell phone from a pocket of his photographer’s vest, and checked the temperature: 29°C. I stopped next to him and...

Hope for Earth's Defenders 0

Hope for Earth’s Defenders

In Latin America, where growing numbers of people die each year taking a stand against violent land seizures and harmful environmental activities, an historic political agreement offers hope for earth’s defenders. It comes too...

Grow Hemp Not Corn 0

Growing Hemp Not Corn

To grow hemp plants, row after row of tall, lush plants across terrains of all types, soon may become one of the most important pursuits in America. Starting hemp farms across the nation will...